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Postdoctoral Training Opportunity - The Ohio State University, Health Services

Dr. Naleef Fareed at the Department of Biomedical Informatics at The Ohio State University is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to undertake independent and specialized research training and experience under his guidance. The potential candidate will collaborate with Dr. Fareed on research topics related to information technology innovations in healthcare, quality improvement, healthcare outcomes research (including patient reported outcomes), healthcare analytics, and data visualization.

Dr. Fareed will help the potential candidate acquire, learn, and develop the skills required to be a successful researcher in a specialized area of health services research. The candidate will work with Dr. Fareed and other researchers at the Center for the Advancement of Team Science, Analytics, and Systems Thinking in Health Services and Implementation Science Research (CATALYST), and will have the opportunity to participate and experience a dynamic team science approach in health services and implementation science research.

Required Qualifications:

  • PhD or related degree with a strong focus on health services research (e.g., bioinformatics, biostatistics, economics, health policy, management, organizational behavior, industrial engineering, information sciences, data science, and decision sciences)
  • Strong commitment to pursue research in the previously noted research topics is required
  • Applicants should have recently completed the PhD or equivalent, or plan to complete their degree by Spring/Summer 2019

Employment at The Ohio State University requires successful completion of a background check, and the selected candidate may be requested to complete a pre-employment physical, including a drug screen.

How to Apply:
Application must include the following in a single PDF file to

  • One-page cover letter detailing how you believe you could contribute to the existing research currently underway
  • A full curriculum vitae (CV), including publications and funding records
  • The names of three references
  • Two representative publications