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Postdoctoral Research Opportunity – Computational and/or Experimental Biology, Genomics

Join the Adli Lab at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and the Robert Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, one of the nation's leading academic medical institutions (#9 rank in the USA, #25 in the world), dedicated to improving our understanding of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms contributing human disease.

Scientists in the Adli Lab work at the intersection of cutting-edge functional genomics and bioinformatics to understand genome regulation in health and disease. We work with diverse types of genomics data to generate new knowledge of genome function in cancer and other developmental diseases.

We are hiring motivated computational or experimental biologists to join our team as postdoctoral scholars or research scientists to work on NIH-funded research projects generating and applying next-generation degron technologies for genome regulation (Morphic consortium project) or aberrant genome regulation in chemoresistance in cancer and other diseases. Our work is highly interdisciplinary, spanning statistical genetics, genomics, epigenomics, bioinformatics, data integration, and visualization. Our funded projects utilize various functional genomic tools (CRISPR manipulation, RNA-Seq, ATAC-Seq, single cell multi-omics) and data analysis of diverse genomics data types.

The successful candidates will join a multidisciplinary and collaborative team investigating biological questions ranging from basic human genome science to cancer genomics, focusing on chromatin biology. The candidates will regularly interact with experimental scientists to design new experiments and have the opportunity to test their hypotheses experimentally. The lab has deep expertise in CRISPR-based genome manipulation technologies and various functional genome mapping tools.   

Preferred Qualifications: 

  • We are looking for wet lab and/or dry lab computational biologists.
  • D. or graduate degree in a quantitative discipline such as Statistical Genetics, Bioinformatics, Computer Science, or Statistics, preferably less than 3 years out from the PhD.
  • Experience with functional genomics tools or NGS data analyses pipelines (WGS, RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, scRNA-Seq, scATAC-Seq, Hi-C).
  • First-author publication track-record.
  • Expertise in Linux and high-performance computing environments.
  • Software skills: programming, e.g., python, R, expertise with documentation, version control, and code releases.
  • Experience with the standard suite of bioinformatics tools (R, aligners, callers, single-cell genomics packages, etc.).
  • Desire and ability to learn quickly, think creatively, and apply and design new analytic approaches.
  • Desire and ability to work both collaboratively and independently.

For more information or to apply, please email To apply, please send your CV, names and contact details for three references, and a cover letter highlighting your research interests, qualifications, and long-term career goals. Please include "Postdoctoral positions in cancer genomics" in the subject line.

Northwestern University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer of all protected classes, including veterans and individuals with disabilities. Women, racial and ethnic minorities, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States.