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Postdoctoral Research Opportunity – Signal Transduction and Cancer

The Lurie Cancer Center’s Training Program in Signal Transduction and Cancer (T32 CA070085, PI: L Platanias) currently has one open position.

This long-standing training program, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Cancer Institute (NCI), offers mentored laboratory research and didactic sessions on signaling pathways in cancer as well as instruction in experimental research design, mentoring, communication skills, and laboratory management. 

Postdoctoral appointments are for two years. Salary is commensurate with years of postdoctoral training and will be supplemented. Self-motivated scientists who are US citizens or permanent residents and have received their PhD doctoral degree within the last three years are eligible to apply. Women and underrepresented minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. 

Please email your curriculum vitae, contact information of references, preceptor preferences, and a statement of research interests to Dr. Robin Leikin at

For a list of faculty preceptors, visit our website.